Saturday, June 11, 2005

i forgot to take pictures!

our show was wonderful! it totally exceeded anything i had imagined-- fire dancers in the garden, tons of fabulous people, trixxie carr singing cyndi lauper and prince, selling 6 paintings, and feeling generally blissed out at all the nice things people were saying! not to mention sharing it all with dear hugh, too!

i will go back and take pictures, but in the meantime here are some shots from freaky pony's cell phone!

my fuzzy triptych above and hugh's diptych below:)
detail from my painting... she's so little! just like the cropping of my face above.
she is so little
and lastly me deliriously happy and seriously chubby cheeked (i asked hugh 5 times to assure me that my face doesn't really look so wide in real life, or does it? does it really hugh, or is it just the bad cell phone camera? hugh? really? poor guy) i'm posting it just to prove to myself that i'm not soooo vain and to subject myself to someone telling me to wear makeup again!


Anonymous said...

mati! you look beautiful and full of happiness~the very best (artistic) kind!

Sean Seamus said...

oh mati! you have such natural beauty, no makeup required! don't you worry none! so sorry wasn't able to make it to the show. catering is flexible to a point, except when you try to make plans. ;)

hopefully will see you guys again before long.

sean seamus