every so often i must salute my flickr faves. you all make such beauty. i feel i captured bits of magic all in one little place together.
i'm listening to serge gainsbourg on the stereo and post-bath with sunburnt legs (not a great combo; i stuck my legs out on the side of the tub) from a day at the park with my beehive art collective. we have many ideas a brewin'. too many one could say.
mostly the beehive wants to support each other in our individual and collective paths as being artist(s). i feel i have a leg up in this department with this blog life.
by the way, i'm realizing i'm overdue in the emailing department to many of you... eep! i like the broad shout-outs sometimes best because it is one fell swoop, but i will be writing personally soon.
speaking of personal call outs and gratitude: i received a lovelier than imaginable dandelions print from ms. penelope. she is such a role model. for her success and sticking to it, but moreover for her open-ness about her process and authenticness in making art. go P!
while running the other day i ran into a son of susan cervantes and i told him how i was admiring her murals while i was stretching, and her as a person/female/artist/just climb up on scaffolding and do it (it's occuring to me that she is one of the aforementioned images of older female beauties i was longing to see... my next book idea!). he said that she was leaving that morning to be honored by diego's family (i love how he didn't use his last name either)! how cool. to have your big dreams realized and recognized in your lifetime.
i wonder what she started out thinking? what was her original intention in painting murals? did it unfold swiftly, or after many doubts and many many years of persistance? i may just have to interview her.
i'm not really sure where my blogging writing is going these days, but i'm enjoying the process. i also am very much enjoying the process of making art these last few. feeling how painting can be fun. not showing anyone. using messed up brushes and destroying them like crazy. also not sure yet where my process meets any theory yet. i'm trying to read more about theories (wrap my head around what it all means) and develop my own. and also maintain fun projects like my "at the zoo" with out feeling like they are diametrically opposed, but on the same team: mine.
i'm going to bed. i got some great books from the thrift store today that are calling to me. a couple cute cardigans and a flowered corduroy jacket as well. got some good art scraps earlier today with my studio-mate as well:)
yay for flicky favs! :) and blogging! and penelope! :) such good things abound here today :)
don't you love how your favs go together??
you sound exploartive... which is great!!
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