Tuesday, September 25, 2007

inspiration hits

cupcake galore for lolo
after a weekend of spooky rock opera in a feed barn filled to the top with hay in point reyes, martinis on the top of the mark, political modern dance and a long bike ride along the coast... i feel like i've shifted my vision enough to see things anew.

i remembered why i like to create. to meld and filter through to the inspiring into an expression that is unique to me. to show the world what is my story composed of color, marks and bits. what is your story?

off to get a burrito to burn the midnight oil.

cupcake is a form of inspiration... (table from lolo's birthday where she made us each special ones with butterflies, worms and a lemur if you're lucky and didn't eat gluten).



Tiffany said...

What a great b-day spread!

Kerstin Svendsen said...

sounds like an invigorating wknd!
fun to run into you last week. i picked up that book from the library. i started it and am worried about getting further into it with all the other stuff i have to do right now. i can tell i won't be able to put it down either. hey, do you want to take a walk or something next week (maybe wed. or thurs.?)
happy painting to you!