i've always wanted to make a coloring book! i think i still will, and in the meantime i'm pleased as pie to gift this coloring book by small magazine that includes my drawing and many awesome artists! it's only $10 and proceeds will be donated to Kiva- a micro-loan foundation empowering individuals to help themselves out of poverty.
speaking of coloring, i received these photos of cute kiddos coloring in my drawings. the first is lucy who according to her mom amy hi-jacked my drawing on the envelope and colored it in. so cute!

the 2nd is maddy whose mom kristen makes our beautiful collab necklaces. maddy + mati : ) maddy said she wants to be an art teacher when she grows up! maddy's coloring the image featured in the small magazine coloring book.

i'm starting a set for coloring if you have photos to send me.
ps-- later on today i will be listing a giveaway!!!
pps- while browsing through small magazine's sweet blog i found this idea for braided fabric necklaces. what do you think about that one mom?!
tee hee!
so cute!
i printed that cute coloring page and had my 5 year old little sis Karina color it. I will have to send you a pic. She did a good job on your cute illustration.
I've been thinking of making a coloring book too...just sounds like such a fun thing to do!!
Peace & Love.
I would love to get my hands on that coloring book. Thanks so much! What a fun project.
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