the last few years i've been mediating in my studio before i begin creating... it sounds lofty, but it's simply sitting on a floor pillow for a few minutes and clearing my thoughts. repeatedly some form of this line came to me "show the world your magic". finally i wrote it down and tacked it to my studio wall just like so.
when i get stuck and overwhelmed with the oodles of art and trends and thousands of ways of doing things. i now simply look up and say "mati, show the world... you... your magic". what no one else has that is uniquely YOU. this is not easy mind you, but it helps to start from this place and eliminate some of the creative clutter and doubt.
next i try to remember that place that children occupy so easily of delightfully sharing their work "the look what i did mentality". i try to get to the most uninhibited place where i blow away all inner and outer critics out of fear of feeling foolish, overly romantic, sentimental, childish... the list goes on of course (i have well developed critics) and stay true to myself and the vision that wants to come through me and onto the page.
i think this mental state works well in art making, but it also carries over to any aspect of one's life. what is it that you want to share with the world that is your mark? what is at your core?
the part where magic comes in is perhaps an extension of the definition~ an extraordinary power or influence seemingly from a supernatural source. it's coming into your power from a deep source and trusting that it is safe to communicate your unique vision. and if you don't as martha graham says... it will be lost.
i realize i may be losing some of you (i feel my own cynicism jab), but i think that's part of the process of unearthing your *magic* is to come up against this resistance. what if i don't have anything to share? what if i've lost my way? what if i don't exactly know yet... yes. all of these are fears that bubble up to surface and then it is our job to trust our voice and move forward.
when i get stuck and overwhelmed with the oodles of art and trends and thousands of ways of doing things. i now simply look up and say "mati, show the world... you... your magic". what no one else has that is uniquely YOU. this is not easy mind you, but it helps to start from this place and eliminate some of the creative clutter and doubt.
next i try to remember that place that children occupy so easily of delightfully sharing their work "the look what i did mentality". i try to get to the most uninhibited place where i blow away all inner and outer critics out of fear of feeling foolish, overly romantic, sentimental, childish... the list goes on of course (i have well developed critics) and stay true to myself and the vision that wants to come through me and onto the page.
i think this mental state works well in art making, but it also carries over to any aspect of one's life. what is it that you want to share with the world that is your mark? what is at your core?
the part where magic comes in is perhaps an extension of the definition~ an extraordinary power or influence seemingly from a supernatural source. it's coming into your power from a deep source and trusting that it is safe to communicate your unique vision. and if you don't as martha graham says... it will be lost.
i realize i may be losing some of you (i feel my own cynicism jab), but i think that's part of the process of unearthing your *magic* is to come up against this resistance. what if i don't have anything to share? what if i've lost my way? what if i don't exactly know yet... yes. all of these are fears that bubble up to surface and then it is our job to trust our voice and move forward.
i share this with you as an invitation. in the hopes it might get someone out of a creative rut. and because i am personally on this path of unfurling my own creativity. and because it's confusing in the midst of trend forecasting and the immediacy of art and design blogs (that i personally adore down to the bones) to not be insanely influenced. it's challenging to slow down, listen close and strive for original ideas and to own your*magic*. i think it takes lots of practice and heaps of encouragement.
oh, bingo! you could have not said this any better. it's why most of us make art - to dig out our thoughts and translate them visually into a way that only we can - yet it's easy to get swept up in that vast sea outside of us and get lost in it. what a great reminder to take a breath and remember why we're artists in the first place.
gorgeous lettering too :)
oh Mati, this just may be my favorite of all your posts. so so good. what a beautiful, visual reminder to do it anyway, no matter what the critics (inner and outer) are saying. thanks for the reminder... I love the visual.
oh mati - a beautiful reminder and one i need to hear over and over again to help squash my own 'well developed inner critics'. beautifully said! xx s
I needed this today, thank you x
Mati, this is EXACTLY the way i have been feeling but you expressed it so beautifully and have completely inspired me! I often lay my head down with those damn critics....thank you so much for this lovely post! You ARE magic!
magic isn't a word that doesn't sit super comfortably with my very practical self. but i get this. thank you... it makes perfect, lovely sense. i'm not an artist but i think your words apply to all of us.
oops, i meant 'is' not 'isn't'
I am on your wavelength for sure in my own right - and oddly enough just minutes ago, composed and sent an email to an old friend with whom I chatted with last night about a passion of his that he has surpressed for many years because he thinks it's not "practical" at this point in his life.
After I sent the email, I thought - I hope he doesn't think I'm drunk or just talkin' silly. I hope he "gets" what I mean.
Anyway, reading this post of yours, it's nice to know that even if he doesn't "get" it or just "poo-poo's" it away as "flowery talk", that I can come here and you get it!
mati~ i just got back from squam and that word *magic* and magical was one of the ways i felt and still feel. i hope to continue just like you to show the world our magic. and you know mati to me YOUR magic!!
hugs and smiles~ jill from N.H.
oh i SO needed to hear this right now. i also have such well developed critics. ugh.
i get scared that my work it too melancholy, too _________. and i also have a love/hate for all the creative blogs i subscribe to.
thanks thanks thanks for sharing.
i love this message! kt
you're the best mati. xxx.
mati, sometimes your words give me goosebumps. love you.
hi, mati, i visited your blog lately, taking my time and looking around, searching into the beginning pages, the "contemporary" ones, what's in between.. i am happy that you managed to live like an artist, not being forced into resigning it just for the sake of living a life, in spite of the difficult moments. however, i loved pieces like "maggie" and the one with the cat who impersonated an angel, stealing the bird's wings. why don't you do that kind of stuff anymore? it was much more stronger and intense and deep.. maybe it's not what sells now in the u.s., i don't know, but this is where i saw the real you, the deep and sensitive and wonderful person within... i wish you best of luck
I don't meditate, but I have a similar process, whereby I tell myself to 'just make'. And what I mean is to just let my hands play around with materials and 'feel' my way towards wherever it is I'm wanting to go. It's kind of like a mystery flight. I never know where the work will end up, but that's the real joy of it you know!
Thanks for reminding me to show the world my magic!
What a wonderful post and a perfect reminder. THANK YOU, Mati. This is really fabulous!!
Very well said! I loved this post. Every time I start to struggle I'm going to be that 10 year old kid again and just say "look what I did today" with a big smile on my face!
Thanks Mati
matigirl...you will never lose me.
your work and your spirit are ones that i cling to.
you . are . magic
peace. and a hug
beautiful, magical, and OH so perfectly said. thanks Mati xo
hola matirose!! your blog is full of soul and magic...is a real pleasure take a few minutes and read your blog!!always you have special things to offer us!!!!!thanks for that!!!and l love the new banner...sooooo beautifull!!!!!!un besos grande!!!
Only another artist would know what you are on about!
Many things stirring in me upon reading this. You are writing about something so important....
Such a beautiful post and I had an amazing epiphany as I was reading it. At my main core..my creative process is love...to give love to someone through my art, my life experiences and my world...maybe even to relate the love of themselves...
I need to think more on this but its' a hugh start.
Thanks so much for your "magic Manifesto"...isn't it amazing to know that you touch someone that you don't even know...:)
Such a beautiful post and I had an amazing epiphany as I was reading it. At my main core..my creative process is love...to give love to someone through my art, my life experiences and my world...maybe even to relate the love of themselves...
I need to think more on this but its' a hugh start.
Thanks so much for your "magic Manifesto"...isn't it amazing to know that you touch someone that you don't even know...:)
Such a beautiful post and I had an amazing epiphany as I was reading it. At my main core..my creative process is love...to give love to someone through my art, my life experiences and my world...maybe even to relate the love of themselves...
I need to think more on this but its' a hugh start.
Thanks so much for your "magic Manifesto"...isn't it amazing to know that you touch someone that you don't even know...:)
Such a beautiful post and I had an amazing epiphany as I was reading it. At my main core..my creative process is love...to give love to someone through my art, my life experiences and my world...maybe even to relate the love of themselves...
I need to think more on this but its' a hugh start.
Thanks so much for your "magic Manifesto"...isn't it amazing to know that you touch someone that you don't even know...:)
Such a beautiful post and I had an amazing epiphany as I was reading it. At my main core..my creative process is love...to give love to someone through my art, my life experiences and my world...maybe even to relate the love of themselves...
I need to think more on this but its' a hugh start.
Thanks so much for your "magic Manifesto"...isn't it amazing to know that you touch someone that you don't even know...:)
Lovely. I like
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