Friday, January 21, 2005

transitioning the seasons


illo friday again {}

it is weird being at the initial point of my transition as an artist. knowing that growth is inevitable, and to some extent i am in charge of how much. hoping not to dissapoint myself. not to judge too harshly. to put all of my body into it and have patience with my learning curve. to realize that my work will in some way be unique. trying to stay in the moment and not anticipate. wanting to grow more into myself, fully and strong.


Anonymous said...

LOL - this gave me a good chuckle! I'm a scatty person, myself, so I can identify with this girl! :oP Great, original idea.

(AKA - Crafty Madam)

Kim's Suitcase said...

nice drawing!

Anonymous said...

what a hoot! LOL


slow poke kate said...

heheh too cute!!!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm yeah. I shoveled for the first time in years (rememba those days, Mouse?).... and I wish I was wearing a 'kini as cute as this one.