Wednesday, April 12, 2006

feelings towards painting

sometimes i feel like i want to be alone for 6 months and paint every day with out disturbance, only music, and why is there never enough time to paint more?!
other days i feel like i never want to paint again and that i have nothing more to say (and never will) and don't even know why i ever wanted to in the first place.
today, i'm undecided.
why is this?
gonna try to roll with these feelings and accept them for the highs and lows of creativity.


pinkcoyote said...

i do feel this way too sometimes.well, i know i'll always have something to say, but really don't know what it is or how i'll express it.
its usually a fear of my artistry not matching up in the future to how i felt, say, while i was working a few days ago when painting was nirvana...i know my feelings are those things that are always changing and are sometimes unreliable confidantes-what i do know is that i'm a painter and i'm certain to paint again soon...

Anonymous said...

hi mati, i just recently discovered your site and have been reading back through your archives. what a juicy, juicy life you lead lady.

I absolutely feel this way as well, both with my creative life and with my in progress thesis.

Anonymous said...

it's hard work having a calling. sometimes you feel impelled by it and other time overwhelmed by it. i like your idea of rolling with it.

Swirly said...

Oh I hear you...I go through the same ups and downs, some days thinking to myself, "OK, that's IT! My creative well has run completely dry and it's all over."