after i wrote the last post i geared up for a run and decided, y'know what, in the process of learning to accept, know and like myself more... even in the worst morning drudgery and pre-run. sorta shy at first and then, hey this is ME. i'm only going to get older...
mascara, hair down and pretty costume can only improve upon this, but i think i like the t-shirt sleeve handmade shirt by me too.
last night i told this older woman i liked her look. she was being taken out for mom's day. flamenco skirt. hair in 2 buns... long & gray. embroidered roses on her vest. tall. strong. lean. very georgia o'keefe. smiling in her body.
i want to picture clip more of these role models of older beauty. my mom's included with her no-makeup, simple clothes, beautiful mom's day earrings by queenthings, grayish blonde illuminated hair, gardening hands... you are my mom and i am part of you. happy mom's day again. and again.
fierce woman! hey that print on your tank is also living on my table :).
i love your shirt! and i love the idea of taking photos of beautiful older women. there are so many of them out there and yet they are rarely appreciated in print.
You look HOT!
i am so with you on the sentiments of these last few posts.... i want more role models of "mature" beauty....
and acceptance.... oh such good thoughts mati... thanks for sharing!!
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