poured out your desk
papers and pencils
made everyone cry
but you standing alone
- the church animals
today i am having fun coloring in images on the computer.
if i have time, i'll post more! does this count for a painting a day? it will have to. i can't wait to see the rest of y'alls!
heh heh...
is that based on someone in real life??
sadness! and you have such a strength in both illos and paintings!!
the violin tunes earlier: i think damien rice?
omg that is such an awesome painting! matirose. te'amO! (shit what's my password?) - non-anonymous jro
wonderful; bad teachers...... there ought to be a law...
i love this one! it's one of my favorites. my meanest teacher was a woman i had for social studies freshman year. if someone had to use the bathroom during a test she made us all turn our papers over and then the person needed to look up at the ceiling and she would guide them out and then stand by the door staring at her watch until the person came back. it made me too scared to go. :)
I love it!
your little hero looks like he might fight back!
your style is so fresh. love it, I do.
(though mean teachers suck)
stole your art work to use against kids and the need for a local levy...just thought you'd want to know asap. Such a sad thing to do.
Love your style!!
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