Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Quickly peeking out from my blog break to say THANK YOU for the art sales!
I let my newsletter readers know first, that I'm having a 40-50% off sale on ORIGINAL ART right now! I'm making room in my studio for some new work!


jacqueline said...

An art sales sounds wonderful! Your work is truely beautiful and im so excited to see what you are cooking up for your new work. Have alovely merry happy day and love to you!

mindy lacefield said...

well hello pretty!! i'm also excited to see what you have up your sleeve next.

ps. i never could've been on a social network diet for even one day. i'm so addicted. you lasted longer than i would've and that is to be commended.

i adore you girl. special place. in my heart!

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